Presentation of CIGESMED project in various meetings:
Meeting | Date | Place | Audience |
Biodiversity Informatics 2013 | 09/05/2013 | Rome, Italy | Scientific Community, >50 participants |
International Polychaeta Conference | 12/08/2013 | Sydney, Australia | Scientific Community, >50 participants |
Kick-off meeting of EMODNET | 18/09/2013 | Ostend, Belgium | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
National Strategy for protected species | 01/10/2013 | Ankara, Turkey | Scientific Community / Stakeholders, <50 participants |
EMBOS meeting | 16/10/2013 | Riga, Latvia | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
3rd International marine protected areas congress | 21-27/10/2013 | Marseille, France | Scientific Community / Stakeholders, >50 participants |
40th CIESM congress | 28/10-01/11/2013 | Marseille, France | Scientific Community / Stakeholders, >500 participants |
VECTORS annual assembly | 05-07/11/2013 | Athens, Greece | Scientific Community / Stakeholders, >50 participants |
EMBOS meeting | 20-22/11/2013 | Anavyssos, Greece | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
EU BON WP3, 4 | 25-27/11/2013 | Solsona, Spain | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
LifeWatch Board | 28-29/11/2013 | Lecce, Italy | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
OBIS Steering Group meeting | 04-06/12/2013 | Ostend, Belgium | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
MAPMED SC meeting | 05-07/12/2013 | El Alamein, Egypt | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
EuroLag Conference | 16-19/12/2013 | Lecce, Italy | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
ViBRANT meeting | 29/01/2014 | Brussels, Belgium | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
Vigie Mer Steering Committee on participative sciences or marine habitat | 10/02/2014 | Aix-en-Provence, France | Policy community, <50 participants |
LifeWatch Technical Meeting | 03-04/02/14 | Granada, Spain | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
EMBOS meeting | 18-20/02/14 | Oristano, Italy | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
Annual meeting OHM Littoral Méditerranéen | 25/03/2014 | Marseille, France | Scientific Community, <50 participants |
Species under protection | 01/04/2014 | Ankara, Turkey | Scientific community, <50 participants |
Indexmed: interoperability of ecological data bases | 05/06/2014 | Marseille, France | Scientific community, >50 participants |
Open Repositories 2014 | 09-13/06/2014 | Helsinki, Finland | Scientific community, 500 participants |
5th International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: problems and measurement techniques | 17-19/06/2014 | Livorno, Italy | Scientific community, 150 participants |
The 2014 Biodiversity Information TDWG Annual Conference | 26-31/10/2014 | Jönköping, Sweden | Scientific community, 200 |
13th International Congress of Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions | 7-11/10/2015 | Heraklion, Greece | Scientific community, 100 participants |
7th National Conference of the Hellenic Ecological Society (HELECOS) | 09-12/10/2014 | Mytilene, Lesvos island, Greece | Scientific community, 100 participants |
RAC/SPA 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions | 29-30/10/2014 | Portorož, SIovenia | Scientific community, stakeholders, end users, 100 participants |
3rd International Conference on Biodiversity and the UN Millennium Development Goals : Biodiversity and Food Security | 29-31/10/2014 | Aix-en-Provence, France | Scientific community, , stakeholders >200 participants |
Annual conference of French Phycology Society | 24/11/2014 | Paris, France | Scientific community, 200 participants |
2nd EU BON Stakeholder Roundtable | 27/11/2014 | Berlin, Germany | Scientific community, >50 participants |
Ministry of Environments and Urbanization | 20/12/2014 | Ankara, Turkey | Turkish Ministry of Environments and Urbanization, <50 participants |
Aix-Marseille et la Méditerranée: défis et coopérations scientifiques | 12/02/2015 | Marseille, France | Scientific community, general public and stakeholders, 200 attendants. |
11th Panhellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries | 13-17/05/2015 | Mytilene, Lesvos island, Greece | Scientific community, 100 participants |
EGI [European Grids Infrastructure] Conference 2015 | 18-22 May 2015 | Lisbon, Portugal | Scientific community, stakeholders, > 300 participants |
Divers’ Association of Thessaloniki, Greece | 05/08/2015 | Thessaloniki, Greece | General public and stakeholders, ca. 30 attendants |
Research expedition in Jbel Moussa Presentation of the CIGESMED for divers CS initiative and CIGESMED protocols in the framework of MedKeyhabitats Project (UNEP/MAP-RAC/SPA) | 07-14/09/2015 | Morroco | Scientific community, ca. 20 attendants. |
The 2015 Biodiversity Information TDWG Annual Conference | 28/09-01/10/2015 | Nairobi, Kenya | Scientific community; stakeholders, end users, 300 attendants |
11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS) | 23-27/11/2015 | Bangkok, Thailand | Scientific community (mostly computer sciences), 200 attendants |
Colloque LITEAU, Observation et recherche en appui aux politiques du littoral et de la mer | 14-15/01/2016 | Brest, France | Scientific community, > 200 participants |
8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 11-13/07/2016 | Toulouse, France | Scientific community, 200 participants |
51st European Marine Biology Symposium, EMBS | 26-30/09/2016 | Rhodes, Greece | Scientific community, >100 |
ACO 2016 – A connected ocean: new approaches, new technologies, new challenges for knowledge of ocean processes | 11-13/10/2016 | Brest, France | Stackholders, Scientific community, 1400 participants |
International Conference on Ecological Sciences-Sfé 2016 | 24-27/10/2016 | Marseille, France | Scientific community; stakeholders, end users, 600 attendants |
The 2016 Biodiversity Information TDWG Annual Conference | 5-9/12/2016 | Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica | Scientific community; stakeholders, end users, xx attendants |