Lead by : CNRS
also contributing: IFREMER, HCMR
Objectives To.stabilize and validate the nomenclature of coraligenous algae (molecular biology approach).
To monitor the taxonomic composition of coralligenous, in space and time
To assess and monitor biodiversity, cryptic species and biological invasions
To provide tools helping to design MPA
To contribute to a powerful integrated/synthetic index (WP 3)
Main outputs
WP4 (1) produced a barcoding protocol allowing to identify the taxonomic composition of the coralligenous building algae (using COI, and if necessary intronic markers), (2) described the taxonomic composition of the coralligenous building algae in several geographical locations (chosen from the three main partners study sites), and within geographical area, in various environments, (3) developed genetic tools for identification and monitoring based on genetic differentiation and structuring of selected species at intrapsecific level.
WP4 is leaded by Anne CHENUIL, CNRS, Institut Méditerranéen de la Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale, Marseille, FR