Participants :
- Members of the CEA : Angel BORJA (SP), Denis COUVET (FR), Paula MOSCHELLA (MC) by e-mail, Anna OCCHIPINTI (IT),
Apologies : Enric BALLESTEROS (SP), Joaquim GARRABOU (SP), Samuel ROBERT (FR), Xavier LE ROUX (FR), Giorgos TSOUNIS (DE). - CIGESMED : Christos ARVANITIDIS (GR, WP5, WP7), Anne CHENUIL (FR, WP4), Melih Ertan ÇINAR (TR, WP2), Romain DAVID (FR, WP6), Emilie EGEA (FR, project manager, WP1), Jean-Pierre FERAL (FR, PI, WP1), Stéphane SARTORETTO (FR, WP3) and the CIGESMED members participating to the 3rd GA
CEA’s ready conclusions
Angel Borja, Anna Occhipinti, Denis Couvet, Paula Moschella (by e-mail).
A general comment: effort should be made to link more all WPs, bringing them more togeher
- WP1:
CIGESMED bibliography database should be published on the CIGESMED website. - WP2:
The main problem is that the size of the quadrat used should be decided and a common protocol as well, including the image processing. - WP3:
In the report, figure 9 should be the opposite, pressure should be put in x axis and index in y axis.
The development of the index has been used to propose data acquisition method, and it is not clear if it’s the same method as in WP2 or not and it should be.
The choice of the 3 metrics should be explained.
The final formula should be clarified and the method to evaluate the robustness should be explained.
A list of species assigned to each ecological group or complexity level should be added (communication between WP2 and WP3 needed). It must include species (including invaders) and the corresponding ecological group and also the structural level of complexity.
Define reference condition is important.
Rather that looking if a pressure is responding to a method or not, maybe the analysis of the boundaries would be informative. - WP4:
Task 4.2: is it possible to include the intra-specific index in the assessment tool or not? As it is presented, this index is “independent”. - WP5:
The approach is a top-down approach, that may be adapted with a bottom-up one to improve its efficiency.
There is a need to be careful with expectation of people. Enough debates beforehand with divers are necessary. Cares has to be taken to do not ask too much informations. Information asked must make sense to the observers, for their motivation.
Technical advices for photography must be given (shooting, uploading, …). - WP6:
Who is going to maintain this after the end of the project?
Is it the role of the steering committee? of one of the present partners?
There is a need of more links with other WPs and also to make link with other international project like GEOBON. - WP7:
A range of outreach activities can be done at international conferences/meetings (ICES). The 41 CIESM Congress will take place from 12 to 16 September 2016 in Kiel, Germany. Although CIGESMED project will be finished by then, it will be a great opportunity to disseminate the results achieved to the Mediterranean scientific community and possibly establish some new, enlarged co-operations with others experts working on the same topic.