Lead: CNRS
also contributing: HCMR

- To monitor, facilitate and effectively manage the project’s scientific and managerial work and information flow
- To effectively coordinate all project’s activities
- To ensure on time submission of the project’s deliverables
- To design and apply a CIGESMED-after plan that will implement a strategy for the sufficient update and maintenance of the project’s information activities after its end

Main outputs
WP1 (1) negotiated the consortium agreement [signed by all partners on 2013, June 14th], and (2) produced the annual progress reports.

The commitment between the coordinator (CNRS-IMBE) and its subcontractor the NATIONAL MARINE PARK OF ZAKYNTHOS (NMPZ) was established by 2013, May 27th for 33 months. With this commitment and upon CNRS’s request, NMPZ agreed to undertake the provision of a service entitled: “Coralligenous survey in the North-East Mediterranean

WP1 was leaded by Jean-Pierre FERAL, CNRS, Institut Méditerranéen de la Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale (IMBE), Marseille, FR [project manager Emilie EGEA (IMBE)]