The CEA will include scientists, stakeholders and policy-makers who will meet at an annual basis. It will aim at providing advice on all aspects of the execution of the project to ensure CIGESMED to meet its objectives and to prepare future proposals.
The reasons of the CEA are described here and the duties of the CEA’s members here.
Enric BALLESTEROS SEGARRA | SP | CEAB-Centre d’Estudis Avançats | Blanes | Departamento de Ecologia Marina | |
Angel BORJA | SP | AZTI-tecnalia | Pasaia | PI's DEVOTES project | |
Denis COUVET | FR | MNHN | Paris | CESCO - Centre d’Ecologie et de Sciences de la Conservation | |
Joaquim GARRABOU | SP | Institut de Ciènces del Mar | Barcelona | MEDRECOVER | |
Xavier LE ROUX | FR | INRA | Villeurbane | BIODIVERSA | |
Paula MOSCHELLA | MO | CIESM - The Mediterranean Science Commission | Monaco | CIESM - Tropical Signals Program | |
Anna OCCIPINTI | IT | Università degli Studi di Pavia | Pavia | Laboratorio de Ecologia | |
Samuel ROBERT | FR | UMR Espace | Marseille | OHM littoral méditerranéen | |
Giorgos TSOUNIS | DE | ZMT | Bremen | Department of Infrastructure |